Monday, March 10, 2008

What Do You Do?

What do you do when you have two hobbies that require massive amounts of time each? This is the situation I find myself in now. First, I'm a geek. I love computers and learning everything I can about them. Programming, tweaking, or just playing around with them is an addiction. On the other hand, I'm getting back into writing, which also leads to a ton of reading as a side affect.

This conundrum has been occupying my mind all day (much of which I spent at Barnes and Noble by the way). The obvious solution presented itself to me almost write away. Why not combine the two and write about computers? No, no, no, no, and no. I refuse. Call me quirky, but writing the equivalent of a technical manual is not a joy inspiring thought to me.

I guess I should make it perfectly clear that I am a true geek in every sense of the word. My bookshelves are completely filled, floor to ceiling, with fantasy and sci-fi books. I even have a small collection of first edition Heinlein books. These are my pride and joy, never touch them, you'll regret it if you do. [insert menacing glare]

Naturally this means that, unless I'm conscripted at work to write something technical, I'd much rather write what I'm passionate about. I've considered writing a technical fantasy (yeah I know, Dune and stuff), but that still doesn't solve the problem of how to split time between two time demanding hobbies.

No wonder us geeks are stereotyped as having no social life, eh?

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