Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Life Intervenes

One of the more inevitable things about writing is not to. For various reasons it just won't happen, I'm not going to go down a list of "reasons not to write," simply because that would be stupid. Let's just say that sometimes life intervenes.

It happens, everyone understands. If your house burns down, no one is going to be upset with you for not jotting down that story that was banging around in your head. If your dog breaks it's leg, no one is going to blame you for sitting it out for a while. But what is important though is that you get back into the saddle at some point.

Don't just stop writing forever, like I did so many years ago. If writing is important to you then, after your "life intervention" is over try to get back into the habit again, but go slow. Don't burn yourself out. Think of it like going to the gym. Nobody takes an extended break then just jumps back into the workout pumping out olympic records.

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