Friday, March 7, 2008

First Post

I used to read a lot. Copious amounts of reading as a young teen; enough to get in trouble at times. I would be sitting in class when the bell rang and never hear it, I would just keep on reading. It's always been a bit odd to me that people could get in trouble for reading, but there it is.

A natural symptom of all that reading is writing. I used to keep a journal, write short stories, even started on a novel once. It wasn't very good, but I started it at least. I was proud of being one of those guys. Someone that wrote something, anything, just to be writing.

But somehow I let it go. Both reading and writing. I got older, went to college, got a job (that's the geek part, I'm a software developer), and all that crap. And now I miss it. So here I am, making a supreme effort to break myself away from the mundane and get into something that I used to truly enjoy.

We'll see how it goes.

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